
Saturday, March 3, 2012

The last three months....

So, I don't know if anyone still subscribes to this... but here goes...

So sorry about falling off the grid like that. December got crazy with moving. And then there's that working retail during the holidays bit. Oy. However, Christmas was good to this boy's kitchen and so I've been able to tackle more adventurous baking hurdles. Most were not photographed,  but a couple of the highlights are here for your ocular pleasure:

 First, here is my new beauty. She is pistachio green, and has a motor that goes all the way up...  I love her.

I also got an awesome food processor, so pastry dough, I fear thee not.

For the record, Bailey hates both of these machines, and likes to burrow into my comforter.

 These were for Sarah's baby shower. Champagne cake pops. They were pretty good, but these also showed me how easily a gimmicky presentation can fool people for real skill. Cake pops are just mashed up cake and icing people. Control your amazement.

I also came up with a pretty amazing apple pie recipe. Hint: spiced rum soaked dried cranberries.

There was also this pink beauty. It's a chocolate beet cake. No, I did not know it was going to turn out Barbie pink. Yes, I did know it would be delicious. This is a Joy the Baker creation, and one reason why you should buy her cookbook.

And the impetus for taking up the blogging mantle once again: I MADE BREAD! Yep, I did it, I made a yeast bread from scratch, and it was awesome, and easy, and I'm going to do it again.

So there they are, the highlights from the past three months. I make no promises about regular posts, as I am not baking at any regular interval, but I'll try to check in a couple times a month and show you some delicious treats.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I wish to sample all of these.
